Orion Sutures

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Tips to Choose the Right Surgical Sutures for Different Procedures

Any surgical procedure’s wound closure requires the use of surgical sutures. The greatest surgical results depend on selecting the suitable type of suture material for the wound. Here are 5 suggestions to aid surgeons in selecting theย top suture manufacturersย for various surgical procedures:


Consider the Tissue Type

The appropriate suture material for the wound closure is highly dependent on the kind of tissue. The ability of various bodily tissues to recover differs. Compared to interior tissues like muscles as well as organs, skin, being the outermost tissue, takes longer to fully recover. Non-absorbable sutures are therefore recommended for skin closure as they do not require surgical removal once the wound has healed. On the other side, interior tissues, like muscles that mend quickly, are more suited for absorbable sutures. Suture selection is also influenced by the properties of the tissue.


Absorbable vs Non-Absorbable

Absorbable as well as non-absorbable surgical sutures are the two basic categories. Sutures that disintegrate and are taken in by the body over time while the wound heals are known as absorbable sutures. Polyglycolic acid (PGA), polydioxanone (PDS), and polyglactin 910 are common materials for absorbable sutures. Once the incision has completely healed, there is no need to remove absorbable sutures medically since they disintegrate.

Non-absorbable sutures, on the other hand, are constructed of materials that the body cannot break down, such as nylon, polypropylene, and silk. They are made to keep the incision closed until it has completely healed, at which point they must be medically removed.


Suture Size and Needle Type

An important factor to take into account is the suture thread size and the kind of needle being utilized. For thin and fragile interior tissues like blood vessels or nerves, finer suture sizes, including 6.0 or 7.0 are preferable. Thick, hard tissues such as muscle or thick dermal tissue respond better to larger sutures with diameters between 2.0 and 5.0. The suture size must be adjusted to the thickness of the tissue being stitched. Thin tissue might be harmed during the tightening and knotting process if a bigger suture is used on it. For internal application, curved, tapered needles work best since they are easier to handle and slide into tissues without injuring them.


Wound Classification

Select the proper suture material based on whether the wound is clean, clean-contaminated, contaminated, or unclean. For example, absorbable antimicrobial sutures are effective at preventing infection in polluted wounds. For clean wounds, polyester braided sutures are preferable because of their decreased tissue reactivity.


Surgical Specialty

Suture characteristics may vary depending on the surgical specialty. For instance, orthopedic or plastic surgeries prefer robust, non-absorbable sutures to hold tissues together under strain for longer durations, whereas ophthalmology treatments require extremely thin, non-reactive sutures. Absorbable sutures that dissolve quickly are preferred by neurosurgeons. To choose the sutures most appropriate for the treatment, consider the surgical specialization.



The best possible wound healing can be achieved by selecting the appropriate surgical suture material fromย top suture companies in India, depending on the tissue type and wound classification, as well as suture size and the specialized requirements. Understanding the characteristics of sutures helps surgeons choose the best sutures for their procedures.