Suturas Orion

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Are Black Sutures Dissolvable? Detailed Information By Experts

black braided silk surgical sutures

The short answer to this question would be negative; black sutures are basically Non Dissolvable Sutures. They do not dissolve in the body; hence they offer the required support for the wound for an extended period, suitable for long-term wounds. They are used for a surgery where those sutures used require removal once the wound has healed up by a healthcare provider. They are particularly useful where the closure is expected to take a long time to heal, such as in surgeries or where little scarring is desirable.

Concerning operations or accidents that may cause injuries, the type of suture applied greatly influences the healing process. A common question that arises among patients and healthcare providers is: Is the black suture material dissolvable? This question is crucial in the decision-making process for patients and doctors. Therefore, this article will explore the different types of sutures, how and when they are used, and why black braided sutures are considered ideal for most surgeries.

Significance of Selecting the Proper Black Sutures

Wounds can arise from various causes such as accidents, surgeries, or complications of diseases encountered by surgeons or doctors. Each wound is unique and requires specific measures for optimal healing. Suturing, which involves using a needle and thread to close a wound, plays a vital role in wound healing. The selection of suture material, needle size, and thread diameter can greatly impact the results.

Types of Sutures

Sutures are divided into two main types: Absorbable and Non Absorbable. Each type has unique uses and advantages.

  • Absorbable Sutures: These gradually break down in the body and do not require removal through surgery. They are used in areas where removing stitches would be difficult or painful, such as internal organ wounds. However, because absorbable sutures dissolve with the tissue, they may leave unsightly scars.
  • Non-Absorbable Sutures: As the name suggests, these sutures are not broken down by the body and remain in place permanently. They provide long-term wound support, as they are not easily biodegraded. Non-absorbable sutures need to be surgically removed by a healthcare provider once the wound is healed. They are preferred over absorbable sutures due to their minimal tissue reactivity.

What is Black Suture?

Black braided sutures, especially those of the silk type, constitute a pride within the non-absorbable sutures category. But what makes them so special? Let’s break down their key features:

Visibility: These sutures are black, and this colour is preferred because it is easy to see during surgery. This is particularly important in cases where accuracy is very vital, such as in eye or digestive tract operations. Due to the fact that they shield the tissue completely, they assist the surgeons in distinguishing and handling the sutures successfully, thus reducing the probability of making the wrong move.

High Knot Strength: Some of the advantages of black and other styles of braided silk sutures are that they have very strong knots. This feature helps to keep the suture fixtures in the right position in order to achieve and maintain the healing of the wound. The silk has a smooth surface and can be used for a long period, making it suitable for wounds that take a lengthy period to heal.

Smooth Handling: These sutures have a braided structure and can be coated with silicone or wax to minimize friction on tissues during their usage. This reduces the time it takes for the tissues of the patient that has been operated on to heal, as well as the level of pain that a patient feels during and after the operation. These suture characteristics offer easy handling properties that make them the most preferred choice in many surgeries, especially those involving sensitive or delicate tissues.

Water Resistance: The black-coloured, braided sutures are coated with silicone, which serves purposes of facilitation in handling as well as creating excellent capillary action, hence making them water-resistant. Such a feature is especially useful in cases when moisture plays a part, keeping the sutures’ strength and utility in mind as they perform their role when healing.

Why is it the Best Practice to Use Black Suture?

It will establish that black braided sutures are effective in most of the surgical operations. Their unique properties make them particularly suitable for:

  • General Surgery: Where the need is there for strong and secure wound closure.
  • Skin Closure: This task involves matters that relate to giving a secure seal but bringing as little damage as possible while doing so.
  • Ophthalmic Surgery: It helps to provide better accuracy and at the same time minimize the chances of complications.
  • Oral Surgery: Providing good handling for the procedure-sensitive oral environment.
  • Gastrointestinal Surgery: Providing the necessary guarantee in critical areas.
  • Gynaecology and Obstetrics: Assisting effectively in procedures that warrant considerable delicacy.

Advantages of Black Silk Sutures

Black braided silk sutures offer several advantages that make them a preferred choice in various surgical procedures.

Knot Strength: Due to their high tensile strength, black braided sutures ensure that the wound will not easily open. Silk is easy to manipulate, making it suitable for long-term suturing, especially in slow-healing wounds.

  • Handling Properties: These sutures are easy to handle due to their lack of friction. Braiding or twisting techniques improve maneuverability, determining the closure quality of the wound.
  • High Capillary Effect: The silicone-coated outer surface enhances capillary action in black braided sutures, making them water-resistant for increased strength during healing.
  • Guaranteed Seal: For deep injuries requiring extended healing time, black silk sutures provide a secure bond without causing excessive trauma to tissues.


Black braided silk sutures, both absorbable and non-absorbable, offer attributes ideal for various wounds and surgeries. They provide high knot strength, easy handling, and effective sealing. For durable, quality sutures, choose Orion Sutures.

Healthcare providers seeking high-quality sutures at competitive prices should visit Orion Sutures. Bulk orders are available with a variety of suture materials.  Contact us today for a free quote!