Suturas Orion

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¿Cuáles son los factores beneficiosos de la malla de hernia en cirugía?

Hernia mesh is a flexible, plastic-like material used to repair hernias. They are transformed into different types of meshes depending on the type of procedure performed. The laparoscopic and open surgeries both use hernia mesh in their surgical procedures. It is used for supporting the abdominal wall of a hernia. The Polypropylene suture comes in different forms and can be utilized in different procedures, from laparoscopic to open surgeries.

  1. Hernia Mesh is a Medical Device: Hernia Mesh is a medical device that is implanted in patients to support the abdominal wall of a hernia. Hernia Mesh can also be used as a urological sling, biologic mesh, or surgical mesh. Hernia meshes are made from a material called polypropylene (PP). PP has been used for years because of its excellent properties and low cost compared to other materials such as nylon or polyester fibre. The main advantage of PP over other materials is its low cost, making it an ideal choice for many applications where patients do not want to spend too much money on their surgery procedure but need something sturdy enough to hold up during recovery time after surgery.
  2. Interesting Facts About Surgical Hernia Mesh: In general, surgical hernias are caused by defects or weakness in your abdominal wall muscles and tissues called fascia (i.e., tissue). This can occur due to birth injuries, sports injuries, or other factors like pregnancy and weight gain/loss over time. The most common type of surgical hernia repair procedure involves using metal mesh reinforced with polypropylene (PP) threads woven together by hand into an appropriate shape for each patient’s body part being repaired. The PP threads provide strength while also allowing room for movement within your body cavity – just like stitches would do if used alone without any reinforcement material present beforehand.
  3. Prolene Hernia System (Synthetic Monofilament Non-Absorbable Suture): Hernia mesh is a synthetic monofilament non-absorbable suture. It has been used in the treatment of hernias since the 1960s, and it is still one of the most commonly used surgical meshes today.

The Prolene Hernia System (Synthetic Monofilament Non-Absorbable Suture) Consists of Three Components:

  • A carrier tube made from polypropylene with a length ranging from 0 – 3 mm; this part helps maintain shape during insertion and prevents slippage from occurring.
  • The inner core is made from polypropylene which has an approximate diameter of 7 mm; this part provides strength when inserted into your body cavity.
  • The outer sheath can be made with either synthetic absorbable monofilaments or natural gutta percha, or silk thread for easy handling after surgery.
  1. Non-Absorbable Suture: The most common type of suture is polypropylene, which is a synthetic absorbable monofilament. Polypropylene sutures are used for many medical procedures, including hernia repair and abdominal wall reconstruction. They are also known as non-absorbable or sterile surgical sutures because they do not absorb into tissues like other types of stitches can do.


The benefits of using hernia mesh are numerous. It can be used in various surgical procedures, including laparoscopic and open surgeries, and can help strengthen the abdominal wall to support the body’s natural healing process. The device also offers convenience and comfort to patients, as it doesn’t require stitches or other forms of healing after implantation; rather, Prolene Non-Absorbable suture is simply pushed through the incision site where it sticks out through holes created by surgical instruments during surgery.