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What is Catgut Used For?

Catgut is a type of suture material that is commonly used in surgical procedures. It is made from the natural fibers of animal intestines, typically from sheep or cows. One of the main advantages of Catgut Suture is that it is absorbable, meaning that it will break down and be absorbed by the body over time.

This can be beneficial in certain situations, such as in internal healing, where the suture does not need to be removed. However, it also means that the suture will not provide long-term support, and the wound may need to be re-sutured if healing is not complete. Catgut sutures have been used for centuries in surgical procedures and are still widely used today due to their strength, flexibility, and ease of use. They are commonly used in surgical procedures that involve soft tissue, such as in general surgery, gynaecology, and obstetrics. Thus, below are some advantages and disadvantages of catgut absorbable.


  • Healing: One of the main advantages of absorbable sutures is that they can promote healing by sealing up surgical sites and allowing for internal healing. They also tend to be more flexible than non-absorbable sutures, which helps to match the shape of the wound and improves the healing of jagged wounds and spongy surgical sites.
  • Convenience: The use of absorbable sutures eliminates the need for a follow-up appointment to remove the sutures, saving time and reducing discomfort for the patient. This can be particularly useful for internal healing, where the suture does not need to be removed.
  • Safety: Absorbable sutures also have a lower risk of infection as they are made from natural materials, and no foreign material is left in the body after they are absorbed. They also have a lower risk of allergic reactions as they are made of collagen, a natural protein found in our bodies. Additionally, there’s a lower risk of reopening the wound when compared to non-absorbable sutures.


  • Strength: One of the main disadvantages of absorbable sutures is that they may not last as long as non-absorbable sutures because they dissolve over time. Additionally, they may not provide enough support for the wound during the healing process and may not be strong enough for certain types of wounds or surgeries.
  • Healing: Another disadvantage of absorbable sutures is that they may cathe use reopening the wound in some cases. The body may also be extra-sensitive to absorbable sutures, which can cause a reaction and delay the process of wound healing.
  • Cost: Absorbable sutures can be more expensive than non-absorbable sutures.

In conclusion, catgut absorbable sutures are a popular choice for many surgical procedures due to their ability to be absorbed by the body and their flexibility. However, they also have some disadvantages, such as not lasting as long as non-absorbable sutures, potentially causing a reaction or delay in healing, and not providing enough support for the wound during the healing process. Doctors need to consider the specific needs of the patient and the type of surgery when deciding whether to use absorbable or non-absorbable sutures or absorbable chromic catgut. Ultimately, it is a decision that should be made based on the best interest of the patient and their medical condition.