Suturas Orion

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Suturas para perros: las suturas Orion promueven la seguridad en la cicatrización de heridas

As with patients of other species, the welfare of the dog during and after the surgery is of paramount interest for the owners. Probably the most important element in the process of postoperative healing is the application of veterinary suture materials for dogs. When your dog is recovering from a basic operation such as spaying and neutering or from a bigger operation the type of suture that is used matters a lot.

What is the Significance of Sutures for Dogs?

Sutures for dogs are medical threads that help veterinarians to seal up injuries for dogs as well as surgical cuts. They are used to maintain the correct position of tissues as the body heals. The sutures control infection and minimize the destructing touch to the wound, thus giving your dog a relief in case of a surgery. However, you may not know that there are various sutures suitable for dogs with different goals depending on the type of the injury you want to treat.

Types of Sutures for Dogs’ Operations

There are primarily two types of sutures for dogs: the absorbable or the dissolvable and the non-absorbable one. The types of sutures differ depending on the kind of operation and the characteristics of a particular wound.

Absorbable Sutures – Also referred to as dissolvable sutures for dogs, they are specifically meant to dissolve in the dogs’ body. They are favoured in most internal surgeries or they wound that may not allow for easy removal of the sutures. This type of sutures is well preferred in spaying, neutering and gastrointestinal surgeries together with internal skin closures.

Non-Absorbable Sutures – These sutures are made from materials that are not biodegradable and hence require to be removed after some days when the skin has healed up by the help of a vet doctor. They are generally employed in skin closures and other external wounds which will require long term support.

Advantages of the dissolvable sutures for dogs

Among the advantages of dissolvable sutures for dogs one of the main is that they are easy to be used by both the vet and the dog owner. Due to their nature, absorbing sutures, there is no need to squeeze your dog for a suture removal appointment, less pressure. It also reduces chances of getting infected, since the suture fades away on its own without having to be removed.

However, dissolvable sutures for dogs should be used when joining internal tissues in surgeries since it will not require any exterior treatment when sewing up a dog. These sutures are also useful in parts of the body where they may not be easy to trim later, for instance the mouth or other sensitive areas.

Selecting the Right Sutures for Dogs

It is important to consider a number of factors when considering sutures for dogs. These include the kind of surgery you are undertaking, the area that is to be sutured and health requirements of the dog. For instance, dissolvable sutures for dogs shall be preferred when the relevant procedure requires soft tissue closure while non absorbable sutures will come in handy when the skin requires closure fully together with external wound closure that require an additional support.

The other factor that veterinarians take into consideration while deciding on the type of suture is the activity level of the dog, the type of its skin and the size of the required cut. The aim at all times is to use a suture which would be least uncomfortable to the dog while at the same time being most effective in maintaining the integrity of the wound till it has healed.

Post-Surgical Care for Dogs

As a final note, when your dog has been operated on there is still a lot you have to do to ensure that your dog fully recovers. To complement the best sutures appropriate for dogs, there is a need to adhere strictly to your vet’s directions. Protect your dog against the risk of licking or biting the suture line as this will result in contracting infection or in reopening of the wound. Staying vigilant and watching whether the wound is clean and dry, as well as booking more appointments to see the vet will guarantee that sutures are healthy.

If dissolvable sutures were used on your dog, you won’t have to remove them but be keen on the area and look for signs of inflammation or increased heat. In case your vet adopted the use of non-absorbable sutures, they will typically be removed after 10 to 14 days from surgery time.

Why Choose Orion Sutures

At Orion Sutures, we have an array of veterinary sutures for dogs that caters for the specific requirements of veterinary surgeons. Our sutures are top quality to meet the intended purpose in every surgical process to be carried out. Whether you require dissolvable suture for dogs or non-absorbable suture, our products enable veterinarians to manage the appearance of appropriate suture to the fixations that offer the best platform to heal wounded tissue.

Conclusion: Safe Recovery with Orion Suture

Hard choice of sutures for dogs can impact its surgical recovery to a great deal. Read more about dissolvable sutures for dogs that do not need to be removed or non–absorbable sutures that add strength to the wound once healed. At Orion Sutures, we provide all types of sutures that help to give better outcomes to the pet and its owner.

Want to get the best sutures for your dog for the next surgery?

You can place an order with Orion Sutures and ensure that your dog gets the best chance of a quick recovery to its normal self. For our premium line veterinary sutures, your lovely pet is in the right and safe hands!