Suturas Orion

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Braided Polyester Suture (NEOBOND®)

Braided Polyester Suture is a non absorbable sterile surgical suture composed of Poly (ethylene terephthalate). It is prepared from fibers of high molecular weight, long-chain, linear polyesters having recurrent aromatic rings as an integral component. Braided Polyester suture is uniformly coated with polybutilate or poly (oxy-1, 4 butanediyloxy) (1, 6-dioxo-1, 6 hexanediyl). The highly adherent coating is a relatively nonreactive non absorbable compound which acts as a lubricant to mechanically improves the physical properties of the uncoated suture by improving handling qualities as contrasted to the braided, uncoated fiber. Polyester suture is braided for optimal handling properties, and dyed green for enhanced visibility.

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Product Specification

Braided Multifilament
Polyester - A Polymer Of Polyethylene Terephthalate Coated With Silicone,
Reacción tisular
Non Absorbable, Gradually Encapsulated By Connective Tissue
Resistencia a la tracción
Excelente resistencia a la tracción, excelente atado de nudos, mínima reacción tisular
Gama USP
5/0 - 5
EO (óxido de etileno)
Tipo de aguja
Cuerpo redondo, filo cortante, punta cónica, recto, punta roma
Bolsas ETO de grado médico con o sin aguja
  1. Unsurpassed tensile strength,non absorbable
  2. Resistencia a la flexión repetida
  3. Sintético
  4. Braided structure
  5. Multifilamento revestido
  6. Embalaje herméticamente cerrado
  1. Soporte tisular excelente y permanente
  2. Use in cardiovascular surgery (heart prosthesis)
  3. Reacción tisular mínima
  4. Excellent handling properties, High flexibility,High tensile strength. Excellent knot security
  5. Soft passage through the tissues with minimal sawing,tissue drag and trauma. Good knot tie down / adjustability. Reduced capillary action
  6. Sellado y esterilidad del producto garantizados

General soft tissue closing and/or ligation especially in General surgery, Skin closure, Ophthalmic surgery, Oral surgery, Gastrointestinal surgery, Gynaecology, Obstetrics.

Información comercial

Cantidad mínima de pedido
100 docenas
Capacidad de suministro
600000 docenas al mes
Puerto FOB
Muestra disponible
Detalles del embalaje
Caja De 12 Suturas, Caja De 36 Suturas
Mercado principal
India y el mundo
Condiciones de pago
SWIFT, RTGS, transferencia telegráfica (T/T), cheque
Plazo de entrega
15-30 días
Principales mercados de exportación
Europa, Italia, Inglaterra, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, África, Australia, Asia
Política de muestras
Muestras gratuitas disponibles con gastos de envío e impuestos a cargo del comprador
Certificado CE europeo por 3EC Slovakia, EN ISO 13485 : 2016, ISO 9001 : 2015 WHO GMP

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